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I began my career as a humanitarian-focused, portrait and architectural photographer. My photography projects later resulted in one of my book projects about our global family and that led to the creation of a friendship movement that transformed into the podcast "Our Friendly World with Fawn and Matt," which is dedicated to the art of friendship (how we can create and maintain true friendship and promote a healthier, more loving society). It has been through this podcast, that my voice and passion have expanded into the world of voiceovers. Every quiet moment of my photography career has propelled me to use my voice on a bigger stage. VOICE IS MY CHOICE! I LOVE IT! The art of using my voice is transcendental for me. My heart soars!
Fawn - Commercial Demo - English - 1min - New OrderFawn Anderson
00:00 / 01:01
Fawn_CALM_DEMOArtist Name
00:00 / 01:51
Fawn Audiobook Demo 1
00:00 / 01:39
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